I've been tagged my first tag also by Samra from Randomhijabi.blogspot.com which is just as well cause i've been going through a writers block :D
>your nickname:
gargeer, omo esma3eel, hagz, gogo,can you guess my name?
>what type of person are you:
friendly, activist, high achiever, bad joker (i'm the only one that thinks my jokes are funny) easliy amused but not esily impressed
>Your most beloved:
my religon,family and friends
>Favorite songs:
look into my eyes- outlandish
shoulder to lean on- sound of reason
paradise- native deen
>Favorite Foods:
All types of chicken especially spicy and fried
wara2 3enab done the egyptian way ( stuffed grape leaves)
i'm always down for Italian, Indian, egyptian, and chinese :D
>Stressful Attitude:
i cry when i'm stressed
>Favorite Colors:
Red, purple, Orange, yellow, forest green wow it sounds like the rainbow!
>A must in your handbag:
my kohl, mini quran, and wallet
>Last cried:
i think last week ( i was stressed)
I tag
Mona at http://mamamona.blogspot.com
Radwa at http://radwafouda.blogspot.com/